Data Communications Corporation Industry Leader in Technology Since 1969
DCCXT is a division of Data Communications Corporation, a world-wide leader in technology since 1969. DCCXT is the newest in a long history of successful software, technology and information management companies under the DCC umbrella - DCCXT and WoodWare Systems.
Data Communications is a privately held corporation headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee with additional product development offices located in Charlotte, North Carolina. Global expansion through cooperative marketing partners/resellers is part of DCCXT's growth strategy. read more... >>
DocXT Document and Electronic File Storage for all Office Environments

Today’s economy demands that you boost productivity, create a more efficient environment and at the same time reduce costs. DOCXT, a part of the DCC eXacTrax suite of products, is the technology to help you make that happen.
» read moreWarehouseXT RF and RFID Solutions for Warehouse Management (WMS) and Product Tracking

Warehouse XT utilizes the latest product tracking technology including Radio Frequency (RF) barcode scanners and wireless technology. This technology application provides one of the most immediate and quantifiable ways to cut costs in your operation.
» read moreFrom the President

Data Communications Corporation is proud of our long history that spans several industries.
DCC’s software and service focus has primarily been on vertical markets which have included the broadcast, banking, communications and millwork industries.
The company’s emphasis now and for the past 10 years has been developing powerful software modules capable of crossing industry lines.
DCC eXacTrax is our division that focuses on this objective.
The cornerstone products developed for dccXT are WarehouseXT and DocXT. Both are capable of integrating with practically any ERP/MRP system to provide a robust and versatile RF based warehouse system to track inventory at every step, and a document/file storage and management system based on a revolutionary virtual tag and store system.
We are very interested in working with other software VAR’s looking to add a competitive edge to their solutions with our breakthrough technologies. If that description fits your business, please give us a call!